Latest Updates and Features on YouTube

Latest Updates and Features on YouTube

Latest on YouTube: Expansion of Data Insights, Creativity on Posts, Easy ‘Shorts’ Search New: YouTube expands its reach for data on audience’s viewing habits, plans to add creative features on posts, and introduces a new chip to easily search...
Twitter shares some valuable Tips for your Tweet Ads

Twitter shares some valuable Tips for your Tweet Ads

Twitter shares some valuable Tips for your Tweet Ads Hope y’all are all set with a stellar Twitter Marketing Strategy that will bring you massive profits this Holiday Season. If not, then you still have time to level up your marketing game, and Twitter has sent...
YouTube Podcast Homepage for users in the U.S.

YouTube Podcast Homepage for users in the U.S.

YouTube Podcast Homepage for users in U.S. YouTube has added a new homepage dedicated entirely to Podcasts. Currently, the URL is live only in the U.S.  Podcast Hosting on YouTube! Yes! Podcasters now have another platform to promote their shows on.  They will now be...
New tool to generate customized LinkedIn Posts

New tool to generate customized LinkedIn Posts

New tool to generate customized LinkedIn posts  New: The new ‘Viral Post Generator’ tool developed by Tom Orbach can craft LinkedIn-like, personalized and customized posts for you to share.  Do you connect or relate to all the LinkedIn posts that you come...
YouTube will Add watermarks to shorts

YouTube will Add watermarks to shorts

Watermarks will automatically be added to your downloaded YouTube Shorts YouTube will now automatically add watermarks to shorts that are downloaded directly from the platform.  Adding a branding watermark to your content will bring you more subscribers by expanding...