YouTube will Add watermarks to shorts


Watermarks will automatically be added to your downloaded YouTube Shorts

YouTube will now automatically add watermarks to shorts that are downloaded directly from the platform. 

Adding a branding watermark to your content will bring you more subscribers by expanding your reach.

You no longer need to go through the hassle of adding a watermark to your content.

To facilitate easy reposting of YouTube Shorts Clips on other platforms, YouTube recently announced that watermarks will automatically be added to your Shorts downloaded via the channel itself.

In the announcement post, the company says – 


“If you’re a creator who downloads your Shorts from YouTube Studio to share across other platforms, you’ll now find a watermark added to your downloaded content.”

This will ensure that the viewers can see that the content shared by creators across other platforms can be found on YouTube Shorts

This will prove to be of great help in terms of cross-promotion.

Along with that, it will also help in video theft protection and increase awareness bout your channel or brand.

But, as we know how Instagram limited the reach of TikTok reposts, other apps might be as well, a little resistant about promoting YouTube within their own platform. 

They might not really be in favor of content containing visible watermarks. This will pose certain challenges and limitations for reposting your short clips successfully on other platforms. 

The company also informs that this feature will roll out over the next few weeks on desktops. They also plan to expand to mobile over the coming months