You can now schedule multiple Twitter Spaces at once


You can now schedule multiple Twitter Spaces

Another feature added to Twitter…

If you are a fanatic about hosting insightful live conversations on Twitter regularly, then you are going to love this!

Twitter is refining Twitter Spaces.

You probably know how hard it gets to manage spaces on Twitter, especially when you have a number of them lined up. It gets rather chaotic.

But you help you stay right on track, Twitter has officially announced that broadcasters will now be able to schedule multiple Twitter Spaces.

Hosts can now schedule up to 10 spaces at a time, that too, 30 days in advance. 

Plus, users will also get the option to edit, share and cancel these conversations with this new feature.

App Analyst, Alessandro Paluzzi, had earlier shared the news of the testing phase along with some images: 

Seems like Twitter is taking Twitter Spaces too seriously now. It keeps working on making the platform a better place, adding new features. Twitter also earlier integrated Podcasts into Twitter Spaces.

This was a requested feature, and it will indeed make the life of social media managers and hosts of these audio streams a lot easier. Earlier, the users could schedule only a single space at a time. 

They will now be able to multiply engagement by informing their listeners about the upcoming sessions beforehand.

Additionally, this will also save a lot of their time, allowing them to focus on their live conversations more.

This is going to transform the entire Twitter Space experience, only for the better.

Other than this, Twitter is also working on the ability to start a Twitter Space on the website as well.