Twitter shares some valuable Tips for your Tweet Ads
Hope y’all are all set with a stellar Twitter Marketing Strategy that will bring you massive profits this Holiday Season.
If not, then you still have time to level up your marketing game, and Twitter has sent some help for you.
So, to assist brands connect and build cultural relevance, Twitter Business’ Team recently hosted a Second Twitter Space.
Super insightful talk that covered tips and best practices for brands to create Twitter ads, connect and optimize their campaigns and get more leads.
It talked about:

SMB Content Manager Krista Doyle spoke with Twitter Senior Account Managers Sal Mattos and Isioma Odita and talked on “How to connect with what’s happening using Twitter Ads”.
All these advices were strongly backed by substantial data. You can also get the recording here.
So, firstly, Twitter talks about posting/haring relevant content that the audience is already talking about.
It starts by staying up-to-date, initiating conversations and interacting about the upcoming events and the latest trends.
Only if you are able to seamlessly complement this with your brand, it can boost your tweet’s performance big-time.
Next, the company highlights the importance of relevant and trending #hashtags. These will help you get involved in bigger conversations.
Another way is to drive engagement via Twitter Polls.
You can also make use of the Twitter Marketing Calendar that the company releases every year, to stay updated at all times.
Twitter also suggests experimenting with different customizable offerings like – Carousels, Branded Likes, Amplify Pre-roll, and Branded Notifications.
“If you want to go really big, Twitter Takeover and Branded Emojis are great tools you can utilize.”
Then you must incorporate visuals so that the audience finds your content appealing and retains it.
Like every other social media platform, the audience on Twitter also wants attractive, eye-catchy posts.
But, it is equally important to ensure that these visual assets prominently showcase your brand, brand message, or the product you are trying to highlight.
According to Twitter Business
“The sweet spot for our video creative is 6 to 15 seconds,” shared Isioma. “Also, make sure to have a call to action or ask a question, so the audience knows what you are trying to get them to do. During your campaign, we recommend using 3-12 unique creative assets to prevent creative wear-out with your audience.”
With that, the company also suggests keeping the tweets really short and to the point. (between 50-100 characters)
This does not stand true for all the other platforms, but can work on Twitter.
In terms of optimizing the ad campaign, Twitter recommends not making any significant changes in it for the first 5 days, as it serves as a testing phase. After this time period only, must you start replacing, editing, or deleting what’s not working.
Super valuable tips shared by the company, that will help you make your Twitter Ad Campaign, a huge success.
However, Marketing Strategies that revolve around ad campaigns remain unique to each business, and you should certainly keep exploring and discovering the best for your ad campaigns.
But, you can always go through these tips in case you feel that you are not seeing desired results on Twitter.