Pinterest launches a campaign that challenges self doubt


Pinterest’s New Campaign encourages people to express more

Have you ever given up on the idea of doing something just because of your fear of rejection?

Or, because you didn’t have faith in yourself?

If so, then Pinterest might soon become your social home!


Pinterest has announced the launch of a new campaign as an initiative to spread the message of breaking these barriers and actually DOING what you feel like doing.

Don’t Don’t Yourself is the Mantra at the heart of this new campaign, emphasizing the belief that the act of doing can help silence those feelings of fear and self-censorship that can sometimes hold us back.”

The title indeed screams the idea, however, it is hard to say if it instantly conveys what it actually intends to convey.

In short, the title could have been better, clearer, and more transparent.

According to Pinterest:

“Developed in partnership with award-winning UK creative studio, Uncommon, the campaign introduces Pinterest as the inspiring anti-don’t where people go to do.. The complementary media strategy was developed in partnership with global media agency Media hub.”

With this, Pinterest is probably trying to stand out from the other social media platforms.

Putting more focus on actions than the number of likes, comments and views, Pinterest might become a safe space for people who want to try new things without the fear of judgement.

The only concern is, if people will actually get intrigued and get on the platform to start experimenting more.

In addition, Pinterest will also be integrating this into the World Mental Health Day on Oct 10 with a live and interactive session in New York. The new campaign will air across TV, cinema, and streaming in the US, UK, and Germany.

All in All

Pinterest has always been “All About Products”. The platform has always tried to put a greater emphasis on the material itself, particularly on products, rather than on Human Interactions and Community Engagement.

This is perhaps the basis of providing a platform that will be free of judgment and the fears of failure.

Bringing more people on the platform with the incentive of offering an open environment for expression seems like a good idea.

Considering that a lot many people need an outlet for their creatives, but refrain from actually taking action, solely because they don’t want to be laughed at. 

This will provide them with an amazing opportunity to actually DO what they want to Do!

However, it is still hard to say if Pinterest will actually be able to attract much people to the platform with this new campaign