Meta Shares Reel Creation Insights from Global Creators
New: Meta has shared a list of tips and insights from global reel creators to help other creators learn and implement their own reel strategies.
With the explosion of Reel content in the social media landscape, it has become almost mandatory to incorporate reels into your Facebook and Instagram Marketing Strategy.
Reels are, hands down, a very impactful form of content for increasing engagement.
But, only if it is done right!
Reels that don’t create hooks, that doesn’t resonate with the audience, that only talk and promote the brand, and that seem scripted, will definitely turn off your audience.
Creating attention-grabbing reels is no cakewalk and so, Meta wants you to hear it from the experts themselves. To help creators maximize the efficiency of their reels, Meta recently shared a complete cheat sheet with 8 key takeaways.
These tips have been put together with effective suggestions from successful creators including @coconutandbliss, @gourmetemperor, @Olinhli, and @BradBoy‘s.

Meta also highlights some personal insights provided by each of them.
Here is just a glimpse of it, you can read the detailed post by meta here.
“I made my content more ‘me’! I established a unique shooting style and started to feature myself in stories and reels. I stopped editing out all the ‘mistakes’ and tried to make more content as relatable and authentic as possible.” says @coconutandbliss.
This is true, as people these days buy authenticity. They want to know what’s happening behind the scenes. They want to feel more connected.
When you crack what your audience truly wants to see, you start building a relationship with them, which is the key to engagement.

“We use reels as highlight clips of popular videos to promote our page and our content. As more traffic flows to our page, it generates more 1-minute video views, hence we earn more from in-stream ads”, said @Bradboy.
This is great if you wish to experiment with reels while promoting your long-form video content, so thumbs up!
@Olinhi suggests checking out the Facebook Reels Tab if you are completely new, and clueless on where to start.
“But when you really get into it, you should create something new and unique. That is the only way to be successful”, she added.
Insights and analytics are equally important and highly recommended.
“I started identifying what content resonates with my audience and what doesn’t through using analytics,” said @coconutandbliss. “It’s a great tool for tracking follower growth, which is a really strong indicator of whether my content is resonating with new audiences–enough to make them want to follow my account.”
Consistency, authenticity, and experimentation
These global creators have consistently observed their audience over time and have noted details on – the preferred consistency, scope of a reel, the type of content, what creates a hook, what doesn’t, the duration of reels, etc.
It has some pieces of advice that you might already know, but will help you develop a clearer picture of how to create a result-oriented Reel.
The complete post will really help you strategize your reels for success. You can check out deeper insights here.