LinkedIn shares some valuable insights on how brands can increase their App Presence
LinkedIn recently released a new guide: How Standout Creative Boosts Content Performance: From B2B Boring to B2Brilliant.
It demonstrates how you can make use of LinkedIn’s creative best practices, feed-optimized strategies, and marketing partner network to realize your content marketing goals.
Given that LinkedIn engagement is at all-time highs, it could be a good idea to review your content strategy in order to take advantage of fresh growth prospects and make the most of your position on the platform.
Hence, the need for this updated manual.
LinkedIn has released a new overview of essential posting guidelines and best practices, which offers a tonne of advice and strategic suggestions for establishing a presence on the platform, to highlight key best practices and assist companies in maximizing their in-app activity.
According to LinkedIn:
“Research shows that powerful creative can help businesses generate 10-20x more sales – but creating it is not that simple, as illustrated by the revelation that three-quarters of all B2B creative is deemed ineffective.”
Keynotes on how to approach each of these components are provided in the 13-page guide, along with advice on how to develop an engaging online presence through your postings and an effective content strategy.

A gist of what you’ll get inside this guide:
1. How to create a LinkedIn content strategy that accounts for all of your key objectives.
2. Developing a modernized brand-to-demand approach well suited to challenging economic conditions.
3. Tips for developing thought leadership that aligns with the preferences of executives and decision-makers.
4. Data-driven best practices for feed-optimized content that gets seen and noticed.
There are several helpful notes in this article that could greatly enhance your LinkedIn strategy.
And now might be a good moment to start revamping your LinkedIn content strategy in anticipation of 2023.
It’s worth reading the guide and having a look if you’re wanting to give LinkedIn more of an emphasis in any way.
Click here to Grab the Guide and build your next breakthrough campaign.