New guide to help businesses get started on TikTok

by | Sep 2, 2022

TikTok Shares Video Series to help Brands make the most of TikTok

With TikTok being the star app of the moment, more and more brands and businesses are getting on the platform.

According to Search Engine Journal, 60% of global TikTok users say they follow brands on TikTok and consumer spending on TikTok increased by 77% in 2021.

And, to help brands a little with their marketing efforts, TikTok has recently shared a series of videos that outline simple steps to get started on TikTok.

From creating and uploading a TikTok video, or creating your own business account, to creating a TikTok Ad Manager Account, these videos have clean steps to explain each.

According to TikTok:

“Creating Content on TikTok is easy and the payoff for your business could be huge.”

So, here’s the first video, and it outlines some key features of the app while providing very straightforward steps to explain how you can create an upload videos on TikTok. 

Moving on, the next video provides guidance on how you can create a business account on TikTok. Followed by the final video that talks about how to set up a TikTok Ads Manager account.

Other than that, they have also provided some tips and tricks to help brands and businesses make the most of the platform. 

The company ends the guide by highlighting a real tip, saying that YOU MUST COME AS YOU ARE on TikTok:

“TikTok is where realness and authenticity are celebrated every day. Here, you do not need to worry about creating flawless content. Come as you are and leave perfection on other platforms.” 


All in all, these tips could help you get started with the essential tools for brands. However, nothing will make sense, until and unless you try it for yourself.

Get the complete guide here.